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Uit de kunst! Deventer art climate 1960 - 1989

November 19, 2024 till April 20, 2025

The exhibition takes the modern art lover to a time of change. Breaking with familiar patterns went hand in hand with reassessment of the beauty of the city.

De zes daagse renner van Hans Nijsse, 1980
Hans Nijsse's six-day rider, 1980

About the exhibition
Small streets with picturesque squares give Deventer an atmosphere reminiscent of days gone by. Among the classic beauty of the Hanseatic city you will find abstract sculptures and brightly coloured murals. At first glance, these elements seem separate, yet they are inseparable. Although Deventer is not known for its avant-garde or modernism, the city owes much to the efforts of politically and socially engaged artists.

Aandacht voor de kunstenaars die het moderne kunstklimaat in Deventer kleur en vorm gaven. (Foto Viorica Cernica)
Attention to the artists who gave colour and shape to the modern art climate in Deventer. (Photo Viorica Cernica)

With the reconstruction and the break with the established order, a new movement emerged. Our exhibition on the ground floor of De Waag calls attention to the artists who gave colour and shape to the modern art climate in Deventer.

The exhibition was made possible by Deventer municipality, Rudolf H. Schmidt Fund, Kunstenlab and the Culture Fund.

Deventer owes much to the efforts of politically and socially engaged artists. (Photo Viorica Cernica)